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Friday, March 11, 2011

wife is the subject matter of solicitation.

When I was asked by my friends,
"What is the secret behind your happy married life?"
I earnestly replied that I am faithful to my wife.
On our wedding day,
while leading her in seven steps around the sacred fire,
the priest gave me following five commandments
for a successful married life;
If you find in yourself a desire,
Abundance of resources and comforts,
for her, it is necessary for good equation,
because wife is the subject matter of solicitation.
To maintain a blooming marital life,
you need to constantly work on your relation,
because wife is the subject matter of solicitation.
To make you feel good keep her eternally happy,
and avoid irritation and frustration,
because wife is the subject matter of solicitation.
Be nice and polite in front of her,
and always try to control your stimulation,
because wife is the subject matter of solicitation.
And finally, during any festival, to your in-laws,
you must not forget to extend your felicitation,
because wife is the subject matter of solicitation.

पारिवारिक जीवन अगर खुश रखना है ,
अपने जीवन साथी
के प्रति वफादार बनिए ,
जरा-ज़रा सी बातो के लिए,
हरगिज ना तनिये ,
इसी में अस्तु है , तथास्तु है !
क्योंकि बीवी आग्रह की विषयवस्तु है !! :) :)